Publications archive

HEAR – focus on bereavement

HEAR BereavementThe purpose of HEAR is to provide specialised information to health professionals, patients and the public about key health topics. Each issue is the result of the collaborative effort of librarians from health organisations across Ireland.

This month, the focus is on Bereavement. As the only certainly we have in life is our own mortality, bereavement is an issue that affects every single one of us at some point in our lives.

Inside this issue:

  •  80 people die in Ireland every day.
  •  Approximately, 30,000 people die every year
  •  At any one time, one in 10 people are likely to be affected (McGuinness, 2007).
  •  53% or Irish people have experienced the death of someone close to them in the last two years.
  •  Research by the ESRI (Growing up in Ireland) demonstrates that 2.2% of nine year olds have lost a parent, 1.1% a sibling, 7% an aunt or uncle and 28% a grandparent.

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